
Thursday, 20 September 2018

Father Who Sold His Beloved Ford 17 Years Ago To Pay For Wife's Cancer Treatment Gets It Back As A Gift From His Kids

A doting husband who sold his beloved Ford Mustang 17 years ago in order to pay for his wife's cancer treatment had the car gifted back to him by his children.

Wesley Ryan broke down in tears in the middle of a Kohl's parking lot in San Antonio, Texas, as the 1993 Mustang he once dubbed Christine arrived on a trailer three weeks ago.

Son Jake Ryan, who bought the car along with sister Jeni and her boyfriend, documented the emotional event in a Facebook post which has since been shared thousands of times.

Wife Laura also enjoyed the moment, having been cancer-free for 13 years.

In the post, Jake said that 'anyone who knew my dad back in the day in his heyday knew this car and knew how much it meant to him.'

He said: 'They told me "Dad, we can never repay you," but it was never about repaying me.

'I tell them, "be successful, be productive, pay it forward." What they did for me shows where they are: they are balanced human beings.

'My wife and I have succeeded, we've raised productive adults, it's the strongest, most-powerful feeling that a parent can have.'

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